NIMJN Talk: Government Accountability Jan 27, 2023 Comments

This event was organized on 14 June 2022. 22 participants participated in this NIMJN Talk program and shared their experiences. 

The main objectives of this Talk were to discuss the government's accountability towards journalism, to know about the Acts and legal provisions, and to make the journalists aware of their accountability. 

Mr. Surya Nath Upadhaya, Former Chief Commissioner of the Commission for Investigation of the Abuse of Authority, was the keynote speaker for this event and shared his experience while serving in the position.

 The main points covered in the talk include the importance of integrity, commitment, dedication, and loyalty of the person who is doing the investigation, and the importance of sharing less about the work being done to ensure its success. The keynote speaker also talked about the importance of widening the scope of the investigation and then narrowing it down, and how the person who is doing the investigation needs to be clear about their goals and their reasons for investigating. On his view about accountability, Mr. Upadhaya talked about how the person has to be honest with themselves first, and only then they can serve the nation with loyalty, integrity, and proper dedication.


